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Imanami Defines Group Management

Imanami, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is the leader in Group Management Solutions. Our suite of active directory tools provides solutions to provision users and get them into the correct distribution and security groups immediately. This is the most basic and important tenet to Identity Management, getting users in the system and productive immediately.

The Imanami Story

Imanami was founded in 2001 as the Independent Software Vendor (ISV) arm of the Haaverson Corporation, a consulting company specializing in Microsoft solutions. By 2003, the company had migrated completely to software and started its Identity Management journey. Imanami has a core of four active directory tools revolving around Identity and Group Management.

Imanami believes that software should solve a company’s business problems and be light on the enterprise. If an Return on Investment (ROI) isn’t easily achievable and measured, it isn’t effective. We design and implement our software to achieve these ROI goals.

Many analysts estimate that less than 30% of medium to large enterprises are getting any value from distribution and security groups. Imanami’s Group Management solutions can make that other 70% competitive and productive.

Imanami’s Customers

Imanami has hundreds of customers from every industry, including healthcare, law firms, education, construction, engineering, telecommunication, sports and wellness, and many more.

The Future of Imanami

Imanami believes in its Group Management solutions. We will continue down this path, cementing our place as the leader in Distribution and Security Group Management, ensuring continued security and productivity for our customers.